
Homework at Beacon Academy

Understandably there may be worries about the amount of homework in secondary school.  There will be a considerable difference compared to primary school.  We need to get students and parents/carers used to working at home.  This supports the development of good habits of home learning that will pay dividends over the 5 years of school to the end of Y11!

Things we use for homework at Beacon Academy

We use a digital platform called ‘satchel:one’.  This might also be known as Show My Homework.  Teachers will set homework tasks on this and students and parents/carers will be able to access this via an app or computer at home.  You can click here to find the QR codes for downloading the app for parents/carers and students.  You can see a guide of how to logon for students here.  Satchel:one logins for parents are shared as a code from the beginning of Y7.  If you would like a reminder of this, please contact the Beacon Academy office.  Satchel:one will be used to explain to students and parents/carers:

  • What the homework task is;
  • Who the task is set by/which subject;
  • Where to find the task (on other websites/homework apps), what to do, how to complete it;
  • How to hand in the work.

Useful satchel:one guides for parents on how to use the App can be read here and a guide on how to use the desktop/PC version can be found here.

We have a whole homework policy that you can read here.  The point of the policy is to layout expectations for homework and includes a timetable of days set and other useful information about websites we use and how to log on.  Some of the homework sites we use include:

  • Sparx Maths
  • SAM Learning – see a guide of how to logon here
  • Languagenut – see a guide of how to logon here
  • Seneca History – see a guide of how to logon here

The homework policy has a timetable in it so everyone can see when homework is set.  Most teachers set it on a Monday so there’s only 1 day of release and then a week’s work can be planned.  Please note; there are homework clubs available in school and if students are struggling you can always talk to their class teachers, subject leaders, Head of Year and Pastoral Team.