
The Curriculum at Beacon Academy

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”  Malcolm X


The Academy’s curriculum is broad and balanced and promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, and physical development of students, preparing them fully for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.  We want all our young people to access higher education or a career of their choice, and to contribute wholeheartedly to our society both locally and nationally.  The curriculum is delivered in an environment where students are shown unconditional positive regard in inclusive, supportive and empathetic learning environments.

“One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.  The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the plant.”  Carl Jung


Beacon Academy’s curriculum strives to provide opportunities where learners are known and understood, supported to achieve and given all possible opportunities to excel.

  • Our curriculum will prepare young people for their next steps in aspirational careers and further/higher education.
  • Our curriculum will equip young people with the knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in education and future employment. 
  • Our curriculum will develop the personal skills that young people need to thrive, in respect of healthy lifestyles and the interpersonal skills needed for life and work. 
  • Our curriculum will develop a passion for life-long learning.
  • Our curriculum will broaden student’s horizons by promoting greater understanding of life in modern Britain and the wider world. 

Curriculum Intent 2024-2025


The curriculum will meet the requirements of the National Curriculum; it will be:

  • broad – so that it provides a wide range of knowledge, skills and learning opportunities;
  • balanced – so that each element is given sufficient time to contribute effectively;
  • coherent – so that each element is linked to make the learning experience more meaningful;
  • relevant – so that it is related to the learner’s interests, needs and experience wherever possible;
  • differentiated – so that what is taught and how it is taught is matched to the students’ needs, aptitudes, abilities and achievements;
  • inclusive – allowing, as far as is possible, all students access to the full curriculum;
  • flexible – allow opportunities for extracurricular and enrichment activities.

Key Stage 3

The curriculum for Key Stage 3 is as follows. There are five, hour-long lessons per day. All pupils follow a programme of study which consists of English, mathematics, science, IT, physical education, engineering, French, art (fine art, graphics, photography) and performing arts (music, dance, drama).  Some pupils will follow a humanities curriculum that includes geography, history and RS.  For others who might benefit from a more blended approach and topic-style curriculum is planned.  This delivers history, geography and RS through a topic through the term and year.

In KS3 pupils have 2 tutor groups per week dedicated to citizenship and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic education).  SRE (sex and relationships education) is delivered through programmes in Science and citizenship with support from the Local Authority’s YPSS staff.

Some pupils will also be supported by intervention lessons to further develop literacy, numeracy and science.  This will be a timetabled event for students throughout the key stage and is developed and managed by the English, maths and science team.

Year 7:

English, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), IT, PE, MFL (French), Geography, History, RS, Topic, Art, Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama), Intervention (Maths).

Year 7 Curriculum Year Overview 24-25

For information about the planned PE activities to support with kit needed for each half term please consult the Core PE Curriculum Map below:

Physical Education KS3 Curriculum Map

Year 8:

English, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), IT, PE, MFL (French), Geography, History, RS, Topic, Art, Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama), Intervention (English).

Year 8 Curriculum Year Overview 24-25

For information about the planned PE activities to support with kit needed for each half term please consult the Core PE Curriculum Map below:

Physical Education KS3 Curriculum Map

Year 9:

English, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), IT, PE, MFL (French), Geography, History, RS, Topic, Art, Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama), Intervention (Science).

Year 9 Curriculum Year Overview 24-25

For information about the planned PE activities to support with kit needed for each half term please consult the Core PE Curriculum Map below:

Physical Education KS3 Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4

The DfE believes that schools should offer students a broad range of academic subjects to age 16, and we are confident that our KS4 curriculum meets that expectation.

Year 10 and Year 11:

Students study a core programme that includes: GCSE English language, GCSE English literature, GCSE maths; GCSE science trilogy and PE.

Year 10 Curriculum Year Overview 24-25

Year 11 Curriculum Year Overview 24-25

Options Subjects at Beacon Academy:

In addition students are able to choose from a number options subjects from a range of traditional GCSE and vocational subjects including:

History, Geography, Engineering, Dance, Acting, Music, French, Sports Science, Art, Photography, Textiles, Graphics, iMedia, Design & Technology, Religious Studies, Psychology and Health & Social Care.

All KS4 subjects with the exception of core PE, lead to formal accreditation.

For information about the planned PE activities to support with kit needed for each half term please consult the Curriculum Overview 24-25 documents above for either Y10 or Y11 and the curriculum map below:

Physical Education KS4 Curriculum Map

Curriculum Overview 2024-2025:

Long-Term Planning overview documents outline term-by-term curriculum coverage for all subjects.  Please see individual subject documentation below:

English Overview Maths Overview Science Overview
History Overview Geography Overview French Overview
Art Overview ICT and iMedia Overview PE Overview
RS Overview Performing Arts Overview

For further information about the curriculum at Beacon Academy please contact Mrs R Pickles, Vice Principal on